Game Of Thrones Teaser Has Told the Fate?


Game of Thrones final season is all set to premiere from April 14, 2019. HBO has finally dropped in the teaser, which has revealed the fate of the Stark’s. The has set the hearts and pulse racing of fans who are awaiting the season as “Winter has finally come.”

The teaser trailer shows the Stark siblings- John Snow, Sansa Stark and Arya Stark walk down a dungeon sort of a hallway with the memories of their parents, Ned and Catelyn Stark haunting their minds.

They meet at a point where they encounter the statues of their parents and later of themselves. Ned’s voice speaks to Jon saying, “You are a Stark. You might not have my name, but you have my blood.” And amidst this, winds turn their attention to the imminent icy battle which formed the conflict in the last season which the channel is promoting with the hashtag #ForTheThrone.