Will Smith Joyfully Celebrates With Jada Pinkett


Will Smith just happened to realize something exceptional about his relationship with the lovely Jada Pinkett. Smith recently took to Instagram saying he just realized that they have been together ‘more than HALF OUR LIVES!’ His official Instagram account was all smiles of his admiring fan base that day.

The actor tied the knot with Jada back in 1997, making this year their 21st together. Having met back in 1990 on the sets of Prince of Bel-Air, their friendship only grew stronger with each day after that. Will was an absolute sweetheart to her, making Jada cave in and finally conceding to a date in Mexico five years later.

Two years of dating left them head over heels in love with one another. So much that they could not handle the separation dawned upon them due to work purposes. Smith soon brought up the idea of officially proclaiming their love to the world and Jada, as one might predict, did not refrain from saying a YES right away. The two wed in Cloisters Mansion in Baltimore, Jada’s hometown.

They soon had two beautiful children and went on to witness commercial success together. They founded the Will and Jada Smith Family Foundation together, with the noble aim of family welfare educational development. Their generosity and charity work became the guardian light for thousands of kids and families out there.

( Instagram Picture: https://instagram.com/p/Bl8VWKJn35h/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=embed_loading_state_control )

He went on to say he has never been happier in his entire life. And that this was the best time he could have imagined for himself, all owing to his gorgeous beau. Their warm bond is undoubtedly what makes them one of the most iconic Hollywood couples. While dating, they also agreed that their private tendencies do not come in the way of expressing their love to each other.

Jada couldn’t resist admiring their relationship on Sway In The Morning, saying Will could rely on her for the rest of his life and that he is family to her.

“Because we are family — take out all that whole marriage, relationship, crap — at the end of the day, Will and I are family, I’m going to hold him down,” she said,

“It doesn’t matter, all that relationship and what people think, ideas of a husband and a partner and all that, man, whatever, at the end of the day, that’s a man that can rely on me for the rest of his life, period.” She’s convicted that their relationship is ‘never going down! It’s just not! Ever.’

Will Smith has never backed out from conveying his love for Jada, evident from one of the many instances when he melt our hearts in an MTV interview. The actor, when asked if he anticipated a situation of divorce, said, “With Jada I stood up in front of God and my family and said, ’till death us do part’. Divorce cannot be an option… I honestly believe there is no woman for me but Jada.”

Jada further said she would throw away her whole acting career before the thought of splitting with Will crosses her mind. They both surely are a match made in heaven.