The Curiosity Of Knowing About Game of Thrones Finale?


People and fans around the world have been waited anxiously for Game of Thrones Finale. For millions it will be two long months to watch the finale of the among the world’s best series. As the hype has been on high and almost everybody in this world wanted o known it. What will be going to happen? What is the future of the houses, lords, ladies and especially the house of Stark?

There’s still two months until the premiere of Game of Thrones’ final season, which is scheduled to air on April 14. You may think you want to know how HBO’s blockbuster fantasy series ends, but in fact,no body knows.?

Game of Thrones Finale

Recently, Kit Harington was asked about it, did he tell her wife. He said, she asked me about the climax but when I told her, she didn’t speak to him for couple of days. He further said, “I told my wife last year how it ended, and she wouldn’t talk to me for about three days,” Harington recently told a British radio station. “And she’d asked!”

While talking about the ending of the series, he said, “I can’t really answer whether I’m happy or not. I don’t think it’s about happy or sad, really. I’m satisfied with what they did, but I don’t know whether I’ll be really satisfied until I see it.”

According to him, it is a huge thing, hiding that’s secret about the ending of Game of Thrones. I been on a quite side, and every one around me is guess about the end. Sometimes I feel amused and sometime I feel stop thinking about it. On being one of the few people in the world right now who know the shows much-anticipated end.  He added, “It’s quite nice walking around, which will only happen for a few months before everyone’s seen it, knowing. I know and no one else does. I know how it wraps up. I think it’s going to be ground-breaking.”