Surgeon General Needs Kylie Jenner to Stop Coronavirus

Surgeon General Needs Kylie Jenner to Stop Coronavirus

You must be familiar with the fact that we’re living in very difficult times nowadays after the coronavirus outbreak. But in case you need to be warned of just how much in danger the world is right now, do read this article of the U.S. Surgeon General needs Kylie Jenner to save the world and human race.

Surgeon General Needs Kylie Jenner

Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams went on Good Morning America to address the difficulty of young people going out and partying (particularly in spring break hotspots) despite continuous notifications to self-isolate to help restrain the coronavirus.

U.S. Surgeon General
U.S. Surgeon General

“I have a 15-year-old, 14-year-old and the more I tell them not to do something, the more they want to do it,” Dr. Adams told Michael Strahan.

“What we need to do is get our social influencers — Kevin Durant, Donovan Mitchell, we need to get Kylie Jenner — we need to get our social media influencers out there and helping folks understand that look this is serious. People are dying.”

Kevin Durant, Tom Hanks and his wife Rita tested positive for COVID-19, and Donovan Mitchell is one of the Utah Jazz players who tested positive last week, urging the NBA to postpone its season.

Tom Hanks and his wife Rita
Tom Hanks and his wife Rita

Kylie posted the story below to her followers earlier this week.

Surgeon General Needs Kylie JennerStormi’s mom is apparently exaggerating there, but if you remember, when Kylie was pregnant, she managed to drive clear of the public eye for the better part of a year.