Renowned Indian actor Irrfan Khan, whose international film career included blockbusters such as Slumdog Millionaire, Life of Pi, Jurassic Park, and The Amazing...
Bollywood star Irrfan Khan’s mother Saeda Begum died over the weekend in India, while the actor got himself stranded abroad, according to media...
There is no doubt that celebrities are only successful because of their fans. If you love someone from the entertainment industry, you are...
One of the perks you enjoy while being a celebrity is that you are in the news all the time, and one of...
Amid coronavirus lockdown, supermodel Kendall Jenner is longing for another beach vacation. The 24-year-old model shared some throwbacks pictures on Tuesday as she...
Shockingly, Chris Hemsworth was not enjoying living in Hollywood. In a recent interview with The Sunday Telegraph, the "Avengers: Endgame" actor revealed what made...
During the novel coronavirus pandemic, people are isolating themselves inside their homes to prevent the further spread of the new virus. Most of...
Most of the people are quarantined in their houses after the coronavirus pandemic and they are doing different things to keep them entertained....
After a heart-touching episode on which Kourtney Kardashian left the show, Keeping Up with the Kardashians aired on Thursday night with a locus...
Being a celebrity, you enjoy a lot of perks like fame, love, fan-following, and money. But it also comes with a lot of...