Khaali Peeli Makers Changed the Lyrics of Song from Beyonce to Duniya

Khaali Peeli Makers Changed the Lyrics of Song from Beyonce to Duniya

After suffering a huge backlash and criticism from the netizens over the Beyonce sharma jayegi song, makers of the upcoming film Khaali Peeli have immediately decided to change the provocative lyrics of the newly released song track. The latest lyrics are ‘Duniya sharma jayegi” instead of “Beyonce sharma jayegi”.

Khaali Peeli Makers Changed the Lyrics

Khaali Peeli makers had released the song Beyonce sharma jayegi, starring Ishaan Khatter and Ananya Panday, a few days ago. Within minutes, social media was condemning the vigorous item number over the lyrics, which many perceived “racist” and “cringe-worthy”.

Khaali Peeli Makers Changed the Lyrics

The lyrics considered offensive was Tujhe dekh ke goriya, Beyonce sharma jayegi. The word ‘goriya’ actually translates to a fair-color woman, and Beyonce is of African-American origin.

Beyonce lyrics changed

Many of her Indian fans and followers believed the song was a racist slur. A huge criticism started on the internet over the lyrics of the song. The makers of the film found it better to alter the lyrics to avoid any further prosecution from the fans and probably the American singer too.