HBO defends Games of Thrones’ controversial finale! Most Viewed Show


Besides the criticism, media talk and memes, Game of Thrones Finale sets new record in terms of rating. Almost 19.3 million viewers tuned in to watch the series finale on 19 May. The finale episode “The Iron Throne” broke the record of last week’s episode “The Bells”. “The Bells” had 18.4 million viewers. The average viewers per episode for Game of Thrones are 44.2 million including delayed viewing. But media is portraying something far different than this. On the other hand, HBO defends Games of Thrones’ controversial finale and fate of every character.

His Thoughts

HBO boss Casey Bloys has said that he knew the final season of Game of Thrones would be divisive, and that fans shouldn’t expect more stories featuring the same characters. Besides that, he has clearly said no to any possibility of there being any sequels to Game of Thrones in the near future. He said that the focus will instead be on exploring uncharted corners of George RR Martin’s expansive universe. This leaves fans hoping for an Arya Stark spin-off in the pitch.

HBO defends Games of Thrones’ controversial finale

Casey said, “I wanted to get through the final season and let that stand as a cultural moment. We have the pilot starting in June and then we will decide whether to want to do another one or not. I’m letting those things happen before we decide whether to do another one or not.”

According to his interview he told that he wants Game of Thrones to stand on its own, as a work of art. Bloys said he doesn’t want to ‘overdo it’ with more Game of Thrones.

As he thinks that GOT is amazing poetry but he does not wanted to just be the home of prequels and sequels and all that stuff.  He further said, “I think you want to be really careful about how you do it. That’s why we’ve been working on the Jane pilot for a long time, because we want to do it right. I think the last thing fans would want is something that was rushed out just to make it to air.”