Harvey Weinstein’s #MeToo Trial Postponed


In 2017, Hollywood the biggest film industry of the world hit with the biggest controversy. As many actresses in Hollywood alleged the director-producer Harvey Weinstein’s for sexual harassment. This started the #Metoo moment from Hollywood and reaches to many other film industries of the world.  After that, criminal proceedings started against Harvey, because many top actresses in Bollywood claimed to be sexual harassed by him.

The sexual assault trial of disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein will take place on September 9, three months later than expected. Weinstein- a catalyst for the #MeToo anti-harassment movement. The director has been charged over the alleged assaults of two women and faces life in prison if he is convicted at the trial, which could last for five weeks.

Harvey Weinstein’s #MeToo

According to news, this will give much time to probe the case in deeper manner.  The lawyer said that we can talk to those people who are coming forward and telling us about other matters that are very helpful to Mr Weinstein’s case.”

The delay was announced after a four-hour closed-door hearing to decide whether women other than the two accusers could give evidence at the trial.

Judge James Burke suggested that his decision on this key point may not be made public until the start of the trial.

Since October 2017, Weinstein is one of the most powerful men in Hollywood before a cascade of sexual misconduct allegations precipitated his downfall.  He has been accused of sexual harassment and assault by more than 80 women, including prominent actresses such as Ashley Judd, Angelina Jolie and Salma Hayek.