Javi Marroquin Tried to Cheat on Lauren Comeau with Me: Kailyn Lowry

Javi Marroquin Tried to Cheat on his fiance

Kailyn Lowry seems to make an honest attempt to build a friendly relationship with her baby daddies. But there’s a difference between being friendly and what Javi Marroquin wanted her to do at this year’s Teen Mom 2 reunion taping. But did Javi try to cheat on Comeau with Kailyn Lowry?

What we didn’t know until now was that he (supposedly) tried to hook up with Kailyn Lowry behind her back. We’re thinking Lauren is having second thoughts about giving her man a second chance right now!

Javi Marroquin Tried to Cheat on Lauren ComeauKailyn and Javi have hooked up many times since they got separated back in 2016. And certainly, it’s an arrangement he believed would remain. The issue with that, of course, is that Javi is committed to Lauren Comeau. And as far as we know, the couple is not in an open relationship.

On a recent Teen Mom 2 “Unseen Moments” special, Lowry said that Javi tried to hook up with her at this year’s reunion taping and she explained the incident again.

“He tried to f**k me,” she claimed. “It just aired and Javi was pissed, but I stand by what I said.”

Javi Marroquin and Kailyn LowryApparently, after the news got break about the tried to hook-up, Lauren wanted to get in touch with Kail and tried to talk about it.

“There’s a lot of crazy things going on. Lauren wanted to call me after that stuff that aired on TV,” Lowry revealed.

Javi Marroquin Tried to Cheat on Lauren Comeau

Obviously, Lauren is the victim in all of this. But as Kail suggests that she could have easily gotten to the bottom of the situation with a single phone call.

Javi Marroquin and LaurenUltimately, Javi did propose and Lauren accepted. Not surprisingly, Kail’s response to the news was less than excited. She said:

“I already knew it was happening. I didn’t know he actually did it, but I knew it was going to happen.”

Right before she drove off, she shouted out the window, “He’s been cheating on you since you were pregnant. Kail’s words confirmed rather visionary, as Javi was caught cheating on Lauren back in August. He was also caught cheating while hooking up with his side-piece in a bathroom while he thought Comeau was sleeping upstairs.

Javi Marroquin Tried to Cheat on Lauren
Javi Marroquin Tried to Cheat on Lauren Comeau

We understand it can be very challenging to take advice from your fiance’s ex-wife, but Lauren really should’ve listened to Kail on this one!