George RR Martin Reveals Details about Game of Thrones Prequel


It’s good or bad, whether fans like it or not but Game of Thrones ended. For many, they demand the re-shooting of the season but HBO and writer sticked with their ended theme. Now, Game of Thrones ended and it’s time to wait for the prequel of the season. Recently the writer George RR Martin reveals the details about Game of Thrones prequel. Currently, one of the five prequels has already begun filming in Belfast, Northern Ireland and dates back to 5000 years before the events of Game of Thrones. The place setting for the prequel is Westeros and will be majorly focused on The Long Night, which was an epic confrontation with the White Walkers.

Who is on the List

While talking in the interview, the details reveled, firstly, unlike Game of Thrones, Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, in the prequel, Westeros is divided into 100 kingdoms, roughly. Furthermore, the Stark family will be a part of the prequel as they were descended from the First Men. While the prequel predates dragons, expect direwolves and mammoths, instead.

Game of Thrones Prequel

The writer George RR Martin has shown some interesting facts and details about the prequel. The writer said, “We talk about the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros; there were Seven Kingdoms at the time of Aegon’s Conquest. But if you go back further, then there are 9 kingdoms, and 12 kingdoms, and eventually you get back to where there are 100 kingdoms. There are petty kingdoms and that’s the era we’re talking about here.”

Besides that “The Starks will definitely be there. Obviously, the White Walkers are here or as they’re called in my books, The Others, and that will be an aspect of it. There are things like direwolves and mammoths.”

On the other hand, talking about new characters or houses, and these new families to life, he revealed the details. The confirmed cast members are basically a buffet of stars, including Naomi Watts as a “charismatic socialite hiding a dark secret.”

Finally, George also confessed that GOT prequel is officially untitled. But some says that it started with the name of “Bloodmoon.” However, Martin is keen on The Long Night or even The Longest Night. For the author, both titles would be pretty good contenders.