The Hollywood Actresses Who are Bisexual


World is strange place, with sometimes you feel as you are a stranger and on other moment it look like that everybody knows you. Humans always have different instincts and nature, but those who are somewhat famous in field are more rules breaker. Well that is also a case in Hollywood, where actresses are no longer to be traditional, their instincts have made them the bisexual and they openly accept that phenomena.

The film, fashion overall the fashion and glamour world is a strange and interesting. People, who are not the ordinary ones, do show that they are not like others.  They are more out-spoken about the relations, which might consider taboo in the society. They choose the path which might be unnatural to many of them, but the feel that they are comfortable and this is the way, how they wanted to live. So from a world Hollywood, here are some of the beauty queens, who claimed to be bisexuals.

The Stars

Tessa Thompson

The amazing actress Tessa Lynn Thompson was born on October 3, 1983 in Los Angeles, California. She is the daughter of singer-songwriter Marc Anthony Thompson and the granddaughter of actor-musician Bobby Ramos. She Thompson recently made waves when she discussed her dating life in a new interview. She said that she can take things for granted because of her family.  It’s so free and you can be anything that you want to be. Well she is attracted to men and also to women. If I bring a woman home, a man, we don’t even have to have the discussion.

Michelle Rodriguez

This Hollywood super star also said, “I’ve gone both ways. I do as I please,” the “Fast and Furious” and “Avatar” star said to Entertainment Weekly. “I am too f—— curious to sit here and not try when I can. Men are fascinating. So are girls. She said she is getting older. Eventually it’s going to wrinkle up and I’m not going to be able to use it. I wanted to be honest about who I am and see what happens.

Drew Barrymore

Drew Barrymore came out in an interview saying, “Do I like women sexually? Yeah, I do. Totally. I have always considered myself bisexual … I love a woman’s body. I think a woman and a woman together are beautiful, just as a man and a woman together are beautiful.

Hollywood Singer Daya

She is of opinion that, one should follow the gut and don’t feel to give explanation to anyone. Your sexuality is yours only so build with it at a pace that works for you. I’m proud to be a bisexual member of the LGBTQ community with a girl. I love who makes me feel more like me every day.

Evan Rachel Wood

She said that, she herself is bisexual and have always ‘joked’ about gay vibes. Not a bad thing!  It is just an observation. She is an advocate for bisexual awareness, and told a fan on Twitter once that labels are tricky. “Bisexual works too except I don’t exclude transgender people. This is why labels are tricky. “You’re not confused if you’re bisexuality’s is not confusing at all. For me, it’s quite the opposite.”

Kristen Stewart

This Hollywood famous Twilight saga star, Stewart also spoke to the complexity that comes with having her sexuality in the spotlight. She told that, it’s very difficult to talk about the matter. The whole issue of sexuality is so grey. I’m just trying to acknowledge that fluidity, that grayness, which has always existed. But maybe only now are we allowed starting talking about it.

Singer, songwriter Halsey

This American singe, said in an interview, “I’m a young, bisexual woman, and I’ve spent a large part of my life trying to validate myself — to my friends, to my family, to myself — trying to prove that who I love and how I feel is not a phase; it’s not part of some confusion that’s going to change or could be manipulated.